Sci & Soc Studies

 Great News - 

What's New in Social Studies:  


Civics: Students will explain what it means to be a citizen of the classroom and community; and discuss the importance of respecting the rights and needs of others. 

Economics: Students describe what supply and demand is, and different ways to exchange goods and services.  This is primarily taught through our Language Arts unit, Money, in Unit 3.  We will also study goods and services in New Hampshire.

Geography: Students interpret maps and use map elements to organize information about places and the environment.  Students will study the continents/oceans, New England, and New Hampshire on the map.

US/NH History: Students demonstrate how individuals’ beliefs have affected life in the US through a variety of biographical texts. Students will also study NH symbols.   Students will complete an in depth study of long ago versus today.

World History: Students will explore and celebrate holiday traditions from around the world throughout the school year.

New Hampshire Symbols

We will continue to do more research on New Hampshire symbols.  The next symbol is our state seal.  Students need to know what ship is in the middle, The Raleigh.  This ship is in the waters of Portsmouth with the yellow under it being granite, having to do with our state motto.  In the background, the sun is setting.  Students will be making their own model of the state seal soon.

What's New in Science:   Next Generation Science Standards

In Science, students have create a wetlands, grassland, tundra, desert and rainforest biome with the hopes of growing a lima bean. We will finish our observations of a lima bean growing in these different biomes this week.

This year, our school will be following the NGSS for our science curriculum.  Each trimester we will focus on a different 3 grade standard.  The plan for this year is:

First trimester:  Life Science (ecosystems & inheritance).  
Second trimester: Earth Science (weather & climate) 
Third trimester: Physical Science (forces & interactions).

Next Generation Science Standards


As the weather unit continues, we will be exploring clouds, water cycle, and weather tools.  Ask your child about the different types of clouds.  
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Then we will discuss the water cycle.  Students will have to identify each part of the water cycle and then draw an illustration.

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Lastly, we will discuss the different types of weather tools.

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